Does strong marriage will build up or develop the church ministry?
Undeniable the answer is Yes.
Nowadays, a lot of young generation couples do not take serious on their marriage.
They love each other depend on the feeling. Does feeling really can hold your relationship after marriage.Well... it will depend on the various people. One of my senior told me when i am still undergraduate. The feeling of sweet & romance is in the strongest when couple are just started their relationship. They want to understand each other deeply. Day by day, that feeling is decreasing slowly depend on the rate of decreasing. The feeling among some people are decreasing faster & some decrease slower. However, there still have some incident which will strengthen the relationship. That is the reasons why some people break out before marriage, some people break out after marriage, & some people still love each other until the end of their life. Back to main point.
In my opinion, Why strong marriage will bring up the church ministry? Strong marriage in our has directly create a strong family structure. Strong family structure is not means large house, luxurious car, or high income. The strong family structure is defined as strong relationship or connection between husband, wife, & god. They love God more than each other. Once we love God, we will love our life partner. Husband & wife serve in God ministry together is much better than single as the bible said " 2 people is much better than 1 people". In bible, God always use family members to fulfill His great plan like Noar & Abraham. On top of that,child will have healthy growth too if living in healthy family background. They will no get lost & leave church once their grow up as they have been instill God's word since young. Up bringing is play an important role in child growth. It will decide their future.
As the time left without stopping. One day, you have to marry, but take much serious consideration before marriage. Make sure both have commitment to each other & to God. Please don't simply marry & divorce after few years finding a lot of problems. Reasons given are no feeling or no suitable. These reasons are no only cheating yourself, but also to God, who trust you & wish you can set a good example to other peoples & wish to fully use you family to fulfill his greatest plan.
7 年前